
Monday, December 17, 2012

Tutorial: How to Embed a YouTube Video Into PowerPoint 2010

How can I insert a YouTube video into PowerPoint 2010?
I'm a PowerPoint lover. Sometimes when I make a presentation, I use a video to show ideas in a more directly way. Then I have to put the video file and PPT file in the same folder and store it into my hard disk drive. These files are always too large to share with others. What's the solution? Yep, embedding an online video into PowerPoint instead of using a local one.

As we know, YouTube is a popular video sharing site. Since those videos are not related to any commercial secrets, I can upload it to YouTube and then insert/embed it to my PowerPoint Presentation.

If you're not familiar with this issue, please come with me. It's quite simple and fast.

Step 1 Get the old embed code
Visit YouTube and find the video that you wanna embed. You'll find a tab named "Share" below the video screen. Click the tab firstly and then click the "Embed" sub-tab. Now you can see the code in a small window. Don't copy it in a hurry because we still have a step to do. Remember to tick the box of "Use old embed code" below. The code changes after you tick the box. Now you can copy the code.

PS: Embed video size is also selectable. Choose a suitable size before copy the code.

Step 2 Embed video into PowerPoint 2010

Launch PowerPoint 2010 and open your file, choose a slide from which you wanna Play the YouTube video. Click Insert -> Video -> Video from Web Site…. on the upper toolbar. A dialogue box titled "Insert Video From Web Site" pops up. Now just past the old embed code to the box and click "Insert" button.

Step 3 Play the embedded video
A black rectangle object appears on the slide, indicating that you have successfully embed the video.

There are two ways to view the video. You can click Slide Show -> Start Slide Show > From Current Slide. You'll see the video with playback options and a controller bar, the same as it's shown on YouTube. Click the Play button in order to start the video. Moreover, you can press F5 key as a short cut to play video.

Well, this is how I embed a YouTube video into PowerPoint 2010. I've tried my best to explain the steps clearly. If you don't totally understand, here's also another good guide for you: 6 Methods to Insert YouTube Video into PowerPoint

Since I'm on PowerPoint 2010 now, it's inconvenient to show you how to do it on PowerPoint 2003/2007. If you need a tutorial on this issue, please feel free to read this article: How to play YouTube video in PowerPoint 2003/2007?


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